Page for Scooty and Speedy workshop at WKV, more info and
Hacking in Public Space - Workshop by SCOOTY & SPEEDY
Thursday/Donnerstag, 24. September 2020, 11:30 — end

“Leck, ich brauch’ ein Hack!”
In the past few years cities around the world saw their pavements flooded with "dockless sharing vehicles" claiming the streets in ways most activists could only dream of.
Occupying the (initial) legal vacuum between private and public space preaching bold claims about mobility and eco-friendliness these 'micro-mobility services' nevertheless evoke important questions on urban space, ownership, agency, production, ecology and very late capitalism.
Fight back, reclaim your streets! - a speculative design and hacktivism workshop @ BOND ASAP 2020.
Die Gehwege vieler Städte auf der ganzen Welt wurden in den letzten Jahren von sogenannten "dockless sharing vehicles" regelrecht überflutet.
Mittels waghalsiger Behauptungen von Umweltfreundlichkeit und Elektromobilität bestetzten sie die Grauzone zwischen privatem und öffentlichem Raum auf unseren Straßen.
Wie umgehen mit solchen Formen kapitalistischer Inbesitznahme öffentlichen Raums? Welche Werkzeuge und Wege gibt es sich diesen zurückzuerobern? Workshop für spekulatives Design und Hacktivismus @ BOND ASAP 2020.

- General Introduction, who what where, why
- Introduction to the wiki
- How (not) to approach a scooter?
- Discussion/Brainstorm
- Excursion Euroshop
- Lunch
- Build and Document on wiki
- Show and Tell
1 General introduction
Hi we are Speed and Scooty, we met trough common friends and interest, today we will show you some of our research and offer you a way to get your hand dirty with the material.
2 Introduction to the wiki
Relevant urls:
- This wiki:
Please make an account on the wiki to document your ideas. Make personal page for your project and link them below:
3 How (not) to approach a scooter?
What is this sharing thing anyway? How to read the phenomenon, how to engage with the material?
status quo
- bikegraveyards (not only in China: Uber in US, ofo Texas, Jump in Seattle)
- vandalism as non solution...: @birdgraveyard,

- bluetooth (lightblue)
- api sniffing (burpsuit), app decompiling
- GPS spoofing (software)
- bluetooth (sdr: ubertooth, jamming, lightblue)
- GPS spoofing, jamming (sdr)
- analyse (city)marketing and communication (mobike fake testimonies [1], 'upcycling')
- database contains various documents and photos of internals of any electronic product registered in the US, handy for finding out what tech and chips are inside sharing scooters and locks without performing any destructive research.
- financial research: crunchbase database of startups, handy to see how many funding they received, who invested in the startup, who is the ceo, where is the company based, what other companies did the startup acquire (for example Tier acquired 'Pushme' - a "BatterySwap Infrastructure-as-a-service" startup - in January 2020 )
- fora: see Links
- register as charger/juicer...webdev
- flash firmware (
- replace dash/motor controller.
- charging port, screen, usb?
No...wireless charging as way in:
non destructive approaches
- introduce charging hardware (coil) and adaptor
- introduce usecase: speedshow (discus considerarions: how to promote/hide. what audience to reach?)
- introduce 'adaptor' use case: brainstorm, how to collect ideas and let it spread (do we want that before the speedshow though?)?